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SAINTS - Lives of Saints


Pioneers of the Spirit: Augustine of Hippo - DVD
A bishop in North Africa in the 4th century and one of Christianity's most influential thinkers. A brilliant theologian and prolific writer, his longing for God was restless and relentless. Chronicling his spiritual journey in the "Confessions," Augustine is forever pushing the boundaries of self-knowledge in order to understand himself in relation to God. His pilgrimage holds meaning today for anyone searching for the point where God and self meet. [P] No Time Description Sale Price Qty 4258 24 min Pioneers: Augustine $19.99
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Pioneers of the Spirit: Teresa of Avila - DVD
One of the most colorful women of the Medieval Period. A Carmelite nun, she struggled in prayer for nearly twenty years before she experienced a profound conversion. Reflecting a remarkable determination in her quest to know God, Teresa of Avila speaks across the centuries to those yearning for transcendence amid the distractions of modern life. [P] No Time Description Sale Price Qty 4256 24 min Pioneers: Teresa of Avila $ 19.99
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St. John in Exile The year is 96 A.D. - DVD
Thousands of Christians throughout the Roman Empire have been persecuted and killed. John, the last living disciple of Jesus' twelve, has been imprisoned. Though he is 86 years old and confined to a cave on Patmos, John refuses to surrender. In this one-man presentation by Dean Jones we relive the moving events which changed the course of human history. No Time Description Sale Price Qty 1031 95 min St. John in Exile $ 19.99
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Damien: The Leper Priest - DVD
Over one hundred years ago a young priest arrived on the Hawaiian island of Molokai with hopes of becoming the island's spiritual leader. But Molokai was no ordinary south sea was the home of a tragic and forgotten leper colony which no man dared to enter. From the beginning it was almost an impossible task. With no medicine, decent food, housing or even fresh drinking water, Father Damien struggled against incredible odds to help his people. Slowly, however, his tenacity and determination paid off. Even cynical leper Mike Farrell ("M*A*S*H") came to admire this determined priest's dedication to those forgotten outcasts. But one day Father Damien had to personally face the ultimate consequence of his commitment. Based on an inspirational and uplifting true story, DAMIEN THE LEPER PRIEST is and incredible account of a courageous man who risked everything when no one else would help. Viewer discretion strongly advised: sexual content No Time Description Sale Price Qty 8723 96 min


In the Company of Angels - DVD
Here are the profound Biblical truths about the presence and actions of God's glorious creatures of light. An illuminating experience! The timeless, universally appealing subject of Angels is explored in this beautiful in-depth and authoritative program. Fascinating and enlightening information from some of America's leading theologians and scholars is gracefully interwoven with breathtaking art and a wonderful music score. See how the Bible, science and philosophy explain the existence of angels. [P] No Time Description Sale Price Qty 0575 55 min In the Company of Angels $ 19.99
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Pioneers of the Spirit: Ignatius Loyola - DVD
These biographical profiles weave together excerpts from personal writings of each individual, dramatic artwork, expert commentary, and a compelling narration focusing on the relevance of each pioneer to contemporary times. Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) ‹ Born in Spain of noble parents, he spent a carefree youth until he entered the army and was wounded at the battle of Pampeluna in 1521. During his conva-lescence he had a religious conversion. After a brief monastic experience he went on to acquire a university education. With several student friends Loyola founded the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits), which eventually received papal approval and is still noted for education and missions. His "spiritual exercises" are used by multitudes to this day. Includes discussion guide. [P] No Time Description Sale Price Qty 4267 24 min Pioneers: Ignatius $ 19.99
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Peter and Paul - DVD
THE ACCLAIMED NETWORK TELEVISION MINI-SERIES AND WINNER OF TWO EMMY AWARDS! Now for the first time on home video the long awaited epic series that brings the New Testament church alive. This distinguished production, starring Anthony Hopkins and Robert Foxworth, captures the vitality, intensity, and humanity of two who were entrusted by Christ with history's greatest stewardship ‹ the carrying of the Gospel to all the world. They faced violent opposition from without and constant turmoil from within. Based on the Scriptures by and about Peter and Paul, we see how they were driven by a heavenly vision for a different kind of world. They paid a horrendous Sale Price for their devotion -- Peter crucified and Paul beheaded -- but their ministries transcended the cruelty of the enemies to become important pillars of both the Christian Church and Western civilization. No Time Description Sale Price Qty 4184 194 min Peter and Paul $ 39.99
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VHS Videos

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Documentary Film on DVD - The Beatification of Padre Pio - by Award British Film Director J. Paddy Nolan

The Life of Sister Faustina - The Apostle of Divine Mercy

Spanish Edition - La Historia De Sor Faustina

Sister Faustina - The Promise of Mercy

The Beatification of Sister Faustina - Join the Celebration

A Celebration of Padre Pio - Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry

Spanish Edition - Homenaje Al Padre Pio

St. Padre Pio - At The Gates of Heaven

Padre Pio's San Giovanni - "I Can Refuse No One"

DVD - Medjugorje - The Miracles and The Message

Padre Pio's Way of the Cross

Canonization of Sr. Faustina



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One World Government
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Shocking Videos

The UN's Crusade Against God and Family


Pro-Life Catholic Christian Videos, DVD and Books

Pro-Life Videos

Pro-Life Books

Dr. Bernard Nathanson

BEYOND ABORTION A Chronicle of Fetal Experimentation By Suzanne Rini


IS THE FETUS HUMAN? By Eric Pastusek




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The Massacre of Innocence - DVD

A Doctor Explains the Abortion Procedure - DVD

Teen Sex: Reality Strikes Back - DVD

Sex As God's Gift (With Printed Curriculum)-DVD


Holly's Story: A Journey To Freedom And Hope-DVD

Rachel, Weep No More

Life: It's A Gift And A Class Project-DVD

Love is a Choice - The Life of St. Gianna Molla

One Day In May - DVD

Right And Reason

Amazing Grace For Those Who Suffer


14:11. And the smoke of their torments, shall ascend up for ever and ever: neither have they rest day nor night, who have adored the beast and his image and whoever receiveth the character of his name.


Photos from movie "The Passion of the Christ" directed by Mel Gibson


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Text of The Third Secret of Fatima - Catholic Prophecy - Complete Report from Vatican and Pope Francis
Books and Videos on Padre Pio
Videos and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy plus Diary of Sr. Faustina
ROMAN CATHOLIC BIBLES - Family Bibles, Spanish Bibles, Church, School and Study Bible Edidions
Bishop Fulton Sheen - Audio CDs, Videos and Books
THE DOUAY-RHEIMS BIBLE - Now in Large Print!
Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Catholic Translation of the Bible?


New Refugee from Socialism

Video on Canonization of Padre Pio - DVD
Church Supplies
Canonization of Juan Diego of Guadalupe, Mexico
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DVDs on Sr. Faustina of Divine Mercy
I Am Your Jesus of Mercy - All 6 Volumes by the Riehle Foundation
True Church and Bible / Catholicism
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Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Catholic Translation of the Bible?
Bishop Fulton Sheen - Catholic Audio CDs and Videos
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The Third Secret of Fatima - Complete Text and Report
Holy Pictures / Gifts / Church Supply / Christmas
Vatican Connection / Catechism / Advent
Free MP3 Music Downloads
Marianland - A Catholic Theme Park
Mother Teresa
Links / Religion / Prayer


The Reign of the Antichrist on DVD - Shocking Speech of Fr. O'Connor

The Reign of Antichrist - Book

Statues of Mary



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Catholic Prophecies

Pope Pius IX (1878)
Since the whole world is against God and His Church, it is evident that He has reserved the victory over His enemies to Himself. This will be more obvious when it is considered that the root of all our present evils is to be found in the fact that those with talents and vigor crave earthly pleasures, and not only desert God but repudiate Him altogether.
Thus it appears they cannot be brought back in any other way except through an act that cannot be ascribed to any secondary agency, and thus all will be forced to look to the supernatural...
There will come a great wonder, which will fill the world with astonishment. This wonder will be preceded by the triumph of revolution. The church will suffer exceedingly. Her servants and her chieftain will be mocked, scourged, and martyred.



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