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Behold the Heritage
Foundations of Education in the Dominican Tradition
Sister Matthew Marie Cummings (Editor), O.P., Sister Elizabeth Anne Allen, O.P.

Wolfgang Smith

292 pages
ISBN: 13: 978-1621380078
Sale Price: $16.95

Behold the Heritage is a delightful collection of writings on the history and essence of Dominican education for all who delight in truth and relish the honor of sharing it with others as a teacher. An invaluable source of information, inspiration, and intellectual and spiritual joy, this marvelous anthology of works on evangelization and education from notable Dominicans, and from modern popes as well, shares the wisdom and glory of Thomism, of Dominican spirituality, and of those fundamental Gospel truths that all Catholics hold.

Praise for Behold the Heritage

“Behold the Heritage is a treasure! We are indebted to Sister Elizabeth Anne Allen, O.P. and Sister Matthew Marie Cummings, O.P. for drawing together in one place a wealth of essays, spiritual writings, and Vatican documents about Catholic education in general and Dominican education in particular. This is a wonderful resource for teachers, administrators, and all those interested in the educational heritage of the Catholic Church.”–Sr. John Mary Fleming, O.P., Executive Director, Secretariat of Catholic Education, USCCB

“At a time when truth and reason are ever more urgently needed in reshaping our world, this carefully selected anthology of writings form a vitally important theological, philosophical, scriptural, and pedagogical framework for all those called to the ministry of education. Representing nearly eight hundred years of Dominican thought in preaching the healing ministry of Jesus Christ, these works will enrich the culture of learning for students of the Catholic Dominican Tradition.” –Bro. Ignatius Perkins, O.P., Ph.D., RN; Dean, School of Nursing, Aquinas College

“Having received my first nine years of formal schooling under the watchful eyes and character-building minds of dedicated Dominican sisters, and having drawn deep drafts from the wisdom of Sts. Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas in my adult writings, my personal debt to the sons and daughters of St. Dominic is incalculable. As I prepare to begin my own participation in Dominican education as a teacher of graduate students in education, I am extremely grateful to Sisters Matthew Marie and Elizabeth Anne for their deft compiling and editing of this tremendous resource.”–Kevin Vost, Psy.D., author of Memorize the Faith! and St. Albert the Great, adjunct faculty of Aquinas College

About the Editors

The Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia, to which the editors of this volume belong, has been engaged in Catholic education since its founding in 1860. The Sisters teach in 40 schools and colleges in 22 dioceses in the United States, Canada, Italy, and Australia. The primary mission of Aquinas College, where Sisters Matthew Marie and Elizabeth Anne teach, is to provide an atmosphere of learning permeated with faith, directed to the intellectual, moral, spiritual, and professional formation of the human person.




Roman Catholic apologetics, theology, philo-sophy, political and social thought, spirituality, history, art, biography, and literature

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Breaking Through the Barrier of Scientistic Belief

Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity

Christian Gnosis

St. Thomas Aquinas - G. K. Chesterton

All Things Made New
The Mysteries of the World in Christ

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The Book of the Ancient World

The Book of the Ancient Romans

The People of Ancient Israel

The Book of the Ancient Greeks

The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World

Beauty in the Word
Rethinking the Foundations of Education

Liberty, the God That Failed
Policing the Sacred and Constructing the Myths
of the Secular State, from Locke to Obama

Behold the Heritage
Foundations of Education in the Dominican Tradition

The Novel of Christian England

The Common Mind
Politics, Society and Christian Humanism from Thomas More to Russell Kirk

Heralds of the Second Coming
Our Lady, the Divine Mercy, and the Popes from Blessed Pius IX to Benedict XVI

Ancient Wisdom and Modern Misconceptions
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The Power of Four
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Chesterton as Mystic

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Dimensions of Cosmic Christianity

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The Political and Social Ideas of St. Augustine

The Passionate God

The Rod, the Root and the Flower

Touches of Sweet Harmony
Pythagorean Cosmology and Renaissance Poetics

Liberty or Equality:
The Challenge of Our Time

Against Inclusiveness
How the Diversity Regime is Flattening America and the West and What to Do About It

The Everlasting Man

Prospects for Conservatives

The Way to Our Heavenly Father
A Contemplative Telling of the Lord’s Prayer

Not As the World Gives
The Way of Creative Justice

Through, With, and In Him
The Prayer Life of Jesus and How to Make it Our Own

Our Way and Our Life
Christ in His Mysteries

To Know Christ Jesus

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Christ, the Life of the Soul
Blessed Columba Marmion

With Christ
Blessed Columba Marmion

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How to Make a Catholic Home

Social Theories of the Middle Ages

The Spirit of Catholicism

Compendium of Theology

Theology for Beginners

A Brief Life of Christ




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