Rafael Brom - Photography
Graphics Designer / Graphics Artist / Web Designer / Illustrator
Illustrations, Paintings, Graphics Design, Web Design, Music, and Photography
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Artwork Sections:
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Misc. Artworks:
Fire in Downtown - Denver #1- Photography
Fire in Denver #2- Photography
Fire in Denver #3- Photography
Marianland - A Catholic Marian Theme Park
Rafael's Record Albums:
See the Beauty of God's Creation - Photography of Bob Richards
HLI Catholic Pro-Life Books, Audio CDs and Documentary Films
"By means of the events which shall occur in the time of Antichrist it is shown that he, being an apostate and a robber, is anxious to be adored as God; and that although a mere slave, he wishes to be proclaimed as a king. For he being endued with all the power of the devil, shall come, not as a righteous king, not as a legitimate king obedient to God but as an impious, unjust, and lawless one; as an iniquitous and murderous apostate; as a robber, concentrating in himself a satanic apostasy, and setting aside idols to persuade men that he himself is God." (St. Irenaeus)