Rafael Brom - Ink/Ziptone
Graphics Designer / Graphics Artist / Web Designer / Illustrator
Illustrations, Paintings, Graphics Design, Web Design, Music, and Photography
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Artwork Sections:
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Misc. Artworks:
Fire in Downtown - Denver #1- Photography
Fire in Denver #2- Photography
Fire in Denver #3- Photography
Marianland - A Catholic Marian Theme Park
Rafael's Record Albums:
See the Beauty of God's Creation - Photography of Bob Richards
HLI Catholic Pro-Life Books, Audio CDs and Documentary Films
"This impious man ... will give orders that he himself shall be worshipped as God. For he will say he is Christ, though he will be His enemy. That he may be believed he will receive the power of doing wonders, so that fire may descend from heaven, the sun retire from its course and the image which he shall have set up may speak. And by such prodigies he shall entice many to worship him, and to receive his sign on their hands or foreheads. And he who shall not worship him and receive his sign will die with refined tortures. Thus he will destroy nearly two parts, the third will flee into desolate solitudes. But he, frantic and raging with implacable anger, will lead an army and besiege the mountains to which the righteous shall have fled. And when they shall see themselves besieged, they will implore the help of God with a loud voices and God shall hear them, and shall send to them a Deliverer ..." (Lactantius)