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Rafael Brom: Rafael's Art Gallery Logos
(Freehand, Extreme 3D, Photoshop)


Rafael Brom
Graphics Designer / Graphics Artist / Web Designer / Illustrator

Illustrations, Paintings, Graphics Design, Web Design, Music, and Photography

Download 2.8 MB Quick Time Movie

Artwork Sections:

3D Modeling

Fine Art / Graphics Art

Technical Illustrations



Download 2.8 MB Quick Time Movie


Misc. Artworks:


All My Love to You Jesus

The New World


The Sounds of Heaven

In Your Hands ...

Last Days of TGM

Call for Freedom

Music for Peace of Mind

Visionaries of Medjugorje


Energy Resources

Meteorite Impact

3D Cross Section

Oil Platforms

Technical Ladder

Office Cartoon #1

Office Cartoon #2

Office Cartoon #3

Gulf Computer Graphics

Zoom In

Main Bar Chart

Bar Chart


Marianland Logo

Divine Mercy Logo


Cosmotone Records Logo

Rafael's Gallery Logo

Political Cartoons

Fire in Downtown - Denver #1- Photography

Fire in Denver #2- Photography

Fire in Denver #3- Photography

Photo Gallery

3D Computer Graphics

Marianland - A Catholic Marian Theme Park

Marianland - In Daylight

Record Albums of Rafael Brom



Refugee from Socialism


Rafael's Record Albums:




Free MP3 Music Downloads


See the Beauty of God's Creation - Photography of Bob Richards



HLI Catholic Pro-Life Books, Audio CDs and Documentary Films



Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich,
Mystic, Visionary, Stigmatist, Prophet

"What the Pilgrim [Clement Brentano, her self-appointed secretary] gathers he will bear far away, for here there is no desire to have it. But it will produce fruit where he goes, and that same fruit will one day return and make itself felt even here."
"I was again told [by Our Lord] that no one has ever seen all that I have seen or in the same way."
"From the lips of those that pray I see a chain of words issuing like a fiery stream and mounting up to God, and in them I see the disposition of the one who prays, I read everything. The writing is as varied as the individuals themselves."
"I saw Adam's bones reposing in a cavern under Mt. Calvary deep down, almost to water level, and in a straight line beneath the spot on which Jesus Christ was crucified."
"Mass badly celebrated is an enormous evil. Ah! it is not a matter of indifference how it is said! . . . I have had a great vision on the mystery of Holy Mass and I have seen that whatever good has existed since creation is owing to it."
"Were man and the earth in perfect harmony, there would be paradise here below. Prayer governs the weather . . . I see the life of nature intimately connected with that of the soul."
"She said what is most painful for me to repeat, that if only one priest offered the Unbloody Sacrifice as worthily and with the same sentiments as the Apostles, he could ward off all calamities from the Church."
"I can never grieve for a person who dies resignedly, nor for a child suffering patiently; for patient suffering is the most enviable state of man."


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