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The Grunt Padre in Vietnam

Chaplain Vincent Capodanno earned the title, "Grunt Padre," from his fellow Marines because of his experience in fierce combat. The U.S. government has awarded Fr. Vincent the congressional medal of honor. His fellow Marines have called him "a saint." Special Features: An interview with Fr. Mode, author of the book on which this documentary is based, interactive menus and Scene Selection.

Sale Price: $28.00



The Grunt Padre

By: Rev. Daniel Mode

"He gave his life - that's what Christ did. . . The only way I can justify it, is that he did it because that is what he had to do, and is he is really going to be a Priest and a Christian there really can't be any other way. I came back to the Church because of Fr. Capodanno, in my life, he is a saint." - Corporal James Hamfeldt

This is the story of a Catholic Priest who served his Marines but it is also their stories that make it so real. Do you have a son or a nephew serving in the military and facing an uncertain future in a troubled world? Here is a book to help them see how a Christian man lives and dies in service to God and country.

Also available in Hard Cover

ISBN 1891280-08-2 Catalog No. 33

Softcover $15.95


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The Grunt Padre in Vietnam - DVD

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