Church Supply / Church Goods
Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century a message of urgency
Narrated by Ricardo Montalbán
The Last Judgment - Matthew 25:31-46
Documentary Films, Books and Audio CDs on Apparitions in Fatima, Portugal
Nativities and Statues of Jesus, Mary, Saints and Angels
Archbishop Fulton Sheen Catholic DVDs, Videos and Audio CDs
DVD -Reign of the Antichrist - Shocking speech of Fr. John O'Connor
Catholic Marian Books Formerly by The Riehle Foundation and Blue Letter
Catholic Apologetics - Main Section
Books of the Great Catholic Historian Hilaire Belloc
Statues of Stations of the Cross
Communion Cups and Chalices and Ciborias
Catholic Audio CDs of Father Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R.
Roman Catholic Books on Audio CD Sets
Catholic Books, Audio CDs and DVDs on Church Teachings
Church Supply, Church Goods, Church Supplies
Greatest Catholic Books Ever Written
Christ left the adoption of a name for His Church to those whom he commissioned to teach all nations. Christ called the spiritual society He established, "My Church" (Mt. xvi, 18), "the Church" (Mt. xviii, 17)
In order to have a distinction between the Church and the Synagogue and to have a distinguishing name from those embracing Judaic and Gnostic errors we find St. Ignatius (50-107 AD) using the Greek word "Katholicos" (universal) to describe the universality of the Church established by Christ. St. Ignatius was appointed Bishop of Antioch by St. Peter, the Bishop of Rome. It is in his writings that we find the word Catholic used for the first time. St. Augustine, when speaking about the Church of Christ, calls it the Catholic Church 240 times in his writings.
Catholic Docu-Films on DVD in English
The Life and Times of Sister Faustina - DVD
The Celebration of Padre Pio - DVD
From San Giovanni to Heaven - Video on Canonization of Padre Pio - DVD
Spanish Edition - La Historia De Sor Faustina
Spanish Edition - Homenaje Al Padre Pio
Catholic Religious
Statues, Church Size Statuary and Church Decorative Accessories
Statues for Churches, Homes and Gardens - Indoor or Outdoor
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